Saturday, September 19, 2009

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)

today marks the second anniversary of the day when we both said "yes." and i love him more and more as each day passes.

but mainly i feel blessed to have such a wonderful companion and best friend, who always cares so much and puts my needs before his own. he is my favorite person and the one i love most. and i love remembering the special day when we were married forever.

which makes today one of my most favorite days.


mary plus vince said...

happy anniversary!

Stacey said...

Happy anniversary!!

Britten & Chelsea Maughan said...

Anniversaries are so much fun-I've only had one but it really does fill the day with joyous feelings!

linda said...

September is a great month for an anniversary! Our 35th is on the 26th!!
Happy Anniversary!

Michelle L said...

We can't believe it was two years ago! It was truly one of the happiest days of our lives. To have our sweet daughter marry such an outstanding young man and now to witness the life you are building together is definately an answer to many prayers and one of our greatest blessings. We are proud of you both and love you "higher than the sky!"
Love, Dad and Mom

Chelsey said...

Happy Anniversary. Your dress was beautiful.