Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Just another day at The Summit Group

Furnace leak and accompanying furnace motor burning out = horrendous electrical burning smell and small lake in the copy room.

Spigot in the back of the building freezing = pipe cracking and flooding into the parking lot and building.

192 envelopes to be labeled, stuffed and posted = a whole lotta shiz get to done in one hour.

Girls Gone Wild bus right outside in front of our building and Club Bliss =


The End.


Emily said...

The joys of a new/old building. Glad I didn't go into work today!

kenna said...

Do they really think they'll find the 'wildest bar' in Utah? I doubt that. I seriously, seriously doubt it.

Ashley said...

Fun. I miss work. Enjoy it while the drama lasts.

Paco Belle said...

One thing I will say, never a dull moment at TSG.

Jami said...

So you missed me right? So sorry for all the shiz - welcome to my day to day. XOXO

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