I wanted to take a quick moment to send some online love to my amazeballs parentals, who are celebrating their 29th anniversary today. Thank you for literally being the best parents in the universe, and for showing me what a couple should be.
And thank you both for being so awesomely 80s back in the day (and for not killing me for posting this picture)...
Love you both higher than the sky. Happy anniversary.
your mom looks amazing....and everything she is wearing is totally in right now..haha
Thank you sweetheart...I do forgive you for posting the picture, however, you probably wish I still had those sunglasses! Your Dad and I have been greatly blessed the last 29 years, mostly and primarily from our amazing children and grandchild. We love you all higher than the sky!
Thanks for sharing that photo! They look like movie stars-I especially like your mom's sunglasses and your dad's gold chain! They are amazing parentals...
what a sweet and thoughtful post, Lauren. Congrats and happy anni to your parents! and i agree, they look amazingly 80's and boss.
The parentals are looking fab! Happy Anniversary to a wonderful couple!
Most amazing two people!! Congrats, and you still look just as great today!
Am I the only one thinking that you look just like your mom in that photo? Congrats to your parents, that's awesome.
That pic of your Dad is a twinner of Biz! So awesome.
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