#1: The Baseball All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium
Pretty self-explanatory since I heart baseball and heart the Yankees. (Yes, even when they suck.) This is the last year that the Yankees will be using their historic stadium, so it's kind of a big deal to those who care. And Rivera better close. You heard me, Papelbon.

#2: So You Think You Can Dance Top 10
I am seriously infatuated with this show and with its incredible dancers. Dancing is always something that I wish I would have been able to do well, and I love seeing the various styles of dance that are performed each week. This week features the Top 10 dancers, and all of the couples that have been together the last few weeks are going to be mixed up. I really, REALLY want to see Chelsie and Will dance together. Or Chelsie and Twitch. Or Will and Twitch. He hee. (Hmm, can you tell who my top three are?)

#3: Project Runway Season Five
#4: The Dark Knight
I haven't been this excited for a movie in a long time. I've readily admitted that I am a huge Batman nerd, and Nolan's resurrection of this franchise has so far been quite pleasing. I cannot wait to see this movie. Greg and I have been so excited, we bought tickets last week to ensure that we could see it opening day. Judging from the reviews I have read, we will not be disappointed. (Plus, how can you beat 2 1/2 hours of Batmany bliss? With the Joker? AND Two Face? You can't. You just can't.)

A 'Will/Chelsie' dance could no doubt bring tears to my eyes.
I've heard its super dark and scary. Im totally psyched to see it but kinda nervous too. I heard its really good though!
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