Well kids, it's official: my little brother Joe has been called to serve in the Brazil Goiania mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He'll leave on September 24th and serve for two years. I'm just going to take a moment of personal indulgence (wait a minute... this blog is full of personal indulgence... who am i kidding) and publicly tell my brother how proud I am that he has chosen to serve a full time mission. I am becoming increasingly aware of how big of a sacrifice a mission truly is. My brother is putting his college baseball career and other activities on the back burner to serve the Lord. What an utter act of faith. Whether you agree with my religion or not, it is obvious that these 19 year old boys believe in it enough that they're willing to put their life on hold for two years, and for that, they should all be commended. Joe, I am so glad you have chosen to serve a mission, and I feel so blessed to be your sister; the people of Goiania are going to love you.
Yesterday was a pretty crazy work day. I didn't even have time to check the blog, let alone write something. I had to proof two websites and write a feature story. Which was a great opportunity, and I'm glad I was asked to do it. It was nice to have a day where I felt like I was constantly busy and constantly being challenged. That doesn't happen to me a lot. Unfortunately, now my eyes and brain are saying "did you actually think we'd be ok with you incessantly pouring over a computer screen for nine hours?" So yeah, a residual headache and subsequent blurry eyes are my only casualties in the war of scrambling to get everything done day. (Trust me, proofing websites is tough. It's pretty comprehensive, and if the site is still in its infancy, it can prove quite convoluted and difficult to wade through. I was seriously an inch away from my screen trying not to miss anything.)
And that's about the it for now. I can't believe it took me almost a week to post... I must be losing my edge. ;)
congrats to your brother! josh served in brazil, go brazil missions! and thanks again for your help friday, you are a peach.
I love SO PINK. It's always been my fave. Congrats to Joe and congrats to you on your good work day. It's fun to earn money doing something you actually like, even if it gives you a massive headache. Go treat yourself to one very large Dr. Pepper.
Hi Lauren, it's Jessica Andrus. I've been lurking about your blog for a while and finally decided to leave a comment. My cousin Richie actually got his call to the same place and will be going into the MTC the same day as Joe. Maybe they'll be companions! Kinda crazy.
Anyway, your blog is great, hope you don't mind if I keep checking back!
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