Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Dough Girl

Mmk, so I know that cupcakes are all the rage these days... but who can hate on the glories of an impeccably made cookie?

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting some of my favorite former co-workers at a delightful little cookie shop called My Dough Girl.

And all I can say is WOW.

I was especially taken by the Ricki (coconut dough with chocolate chips, coconuts and almonds) and the Vivianna (orange dough, mangoes and dark chocolate). But I will be back to try all the other kinds.

If you live in or around the slc, I highly suggest you check it out.


kenna said...

Um, that sounds AMAZING.

No, seriously. I'll take a cookie over a cupcake any day.

Tori said...

i adore cookies.
and we're going when i come back!

Kimba said...

ohmigosh, caleb would flip for that lemonhead cookie. i totally need to check that place out next trip home.