Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I know it was you, Fredo...

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. In spite of the nature of the title, this is actually a serious post. 

Awhile ago, on a random post of mine, I received some horribly acerbic comments. They seemed to come out of nowhere, and not only insulted me, but insulted a few people who I love dearly. This person even went so far as to make it appear as if there was a second commenter agreeing with the insults of the first. And the comments troubled me, not merely because they were crass and in poor taste, but because they contained bits of information (albeit skewed to the point of ridiculousness) that one could have only known had they known us outside of the blog. Also, this person keeps checking my blog on a fairly regular basis. Which is slightly unsettling.

Luckily, due to the presence of site tracking software, I was able to uncover the information needed to unearth the source of the comments. 
The question I have is this: why is it that the only issues I have had with negative comments have come from people I know

I won't reveal this person's name, because I don't want this blog to be a place of negativity. But to him/her I will say, I know who you are, and though I don't pretend to understand what stemmed your horrible comments, I am truly sorry if I ever offended you. I am sorry that you felt that your only recourse was to leave comments like those on my blog. I hope that whatever angst you were feeling at the time has subsided and that you're in a happier place. 

And know that I'm watching.


kenna said...

Can I hire you to find my mean stalker/commenters?

Blogdor said...

Oh man. I hope it wasn't me, even though I hate In 'n' Out, I'd rather take a cheese grater to my brain than listen to radiohead, and I don't think Obama is all he was cracked up to be. Those really are my only 3 quallies (qualm + Lalli).

Stacey said...


Krissy Noel said...

I love everything about this post. I would love to know more about what the crap they said and what post you are referring to even more!! As for the reason why the only negative comments come from people you know, it's quite a strange thing. Perhaps they feel entitled to tell you their thoughts BECAUSE they know you, only they are too afraid to tell you to your face, so they must do it under the guise of a fake/anonymous name to make themselves feel better. I too, hope they are in a happier place.

Kimba said...

i once had a seriously rude comment on my blog, and only recently found out who it was. i will never understand why people choose to be that way, and why they feel the need to act on their impulses. can't we all just be adults about it?

i'm sorry, and hope you'll keep blogging the same - i certainly enjoy it. :)

Abby said...

Hasn't this happened to you like, twice now? I think you need to delete those mean people from your life.

Especially people who need to disguise themselves in order to say what they want to say.

Passive aggressive. Yikes.

Danielle Larsen said...

It seems bizarre that someone would waste that much time and energy reading someone else's blog just to make stupid comments about people they barely know. Good riddance blog stalker.