Thursday, May 7, 2009


one of my favorite bloggers, taza, has been doing a lovely series on her blog called "here's to happiness." it's consisted of a number of posts of lists from her readers concerning what makes them happy, and it's been so lovely and uplifting to read them. so i decided i would post the list i sent to her on my blog, to spread the sunshine even more. because seriously, it feels good to be happy.

10 things that make me happy...

1. reading books aloud in bed with my husband
2. peonies (especially the pink ones)
3. a long walk during a summer evening
4. when my husband speaks to me in italian (it's quite romantic, i won't lie)
5. the smell after a spring rainstorm
6. a hot dog during a baseball game
7. a good book enjoyed under the shade of a tall tree
8. laying in that place where the surf meets the sand and feeling the sun's warm rays
9. "dancing it out" to records in my apartment with my lover (aka husband)
10. spending time with my incredible family


Shannon said...

I loved this post. You are such a beautiful person, inside and out. And I needed this post...because happiness is contagious. And I LOVE your new header. It's fabulous.

Kimba said...

Happiness. :) Refreshing. Lovely!

(italian murmurings? lucky girl)