Monday, October 20, 2008

between a rock and a hard place

so there is something that i have been ruminating over for the past few days. and it seems like there is no real solution or resolution that can be achieved without causing problems. this fact disheartens me greatly.

without going into a lot (or any) detail i will just say that there were some things said to me last week that hurt my feelings. they were words that not only disagreed with mine (which, might i add, doesn't bother me so long as the disagreement is one of a respectful nature) but were laden with disrespect and tinges of meanness.

the thing that hurt me the most was that they were from a person i know. a person that perhaps did not want their identity brought to light, but that i unearthed anyway. and it hurts my heart a little bit.

but upon thinking about it this weekend, i have decided to let it all go. it may take me a few more days, but this is my resolution.

i think it's the best i can do.


Kimba said...

Brush it off, it IS the only thing you can do. :) I recently had a "lovely" little comment left on my blog as well, and while I was upset at first, I decided it wasn't worth getting upset over. I guess it's just one of the things that comes with putting yourself out there in "public". I think you're extremely well read, and hope this doesn't stop you from continuing to post what you believe!

Also? I'm going to be SO relieved when this is all over and people can settle down a bit. :) This has been such an emotionally charged election, and unfortunately some people can't agree to disagree and be done with it. :) Oh the stories I could tell you about what's going on with Prop 8 over here...

Britten & Chelsea Maughan said...

I'm sorry you had a weekend of stewing over a mean comment... way to go for letting it go-it's definitely the wise decision. So after watching the Red Sox get kicked out of the World Series, I found myself wondering who were cheering for this year??

Jimmy and Lindsey said...

I too read the political comments! Wow! That was some intense reading! Political or religious discussions always start civilized because people try to not offend the other. However, it is hard not to eventually get heated when there are two strong opposing opinions, so it usually ends up personal. I am not educated enough on either candidate to have a strong opinion to back them up, but I respect that you do. I must say this is my fav. blog to read since you do provide so much info! Try and cheer up knowing that this political mess will be over soon and then the debates can end...and I do think your candidate of choice is going to win!

Ashley said...

Smart girl. This is why I don't do it so much anymore. My nature is far too argumentative to encourage a fight. It seems fun, at first. But then you realize how depressing it is to go toe to toe with people who are smart, have done their homework and yet come to different conclusions than you have. It makes the world, and the politics which ultimately try to sift through it, far more complex and suffocating than I can know how I hate it when people disagree with me. At any rate, I am sorry for your hurt. But it was a good fight.

kenna said...

I too am sorry for the hurt. My first instinct was to kick 'anonymous commenter' in the shins, but you are obviously much more mature than I am.

Way to take the higher road. It seems to be the road less traveled these days.

lauren said...

thanks friends. your kind words are greatly appreciated. :)